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From the past we have inherited solid foundations which we reconfirm today in the contents of the code of ethics, a document to which we intend to entrust the task of divulging our values and guiding our behaviors, providing tangible answers to our stakeholders. It is essential for us to confirm our ethical vision through the expression of our common values and principles of responsibility.

We have decided to codify the principles of legitimacy, loyalty, correctness and transparency, on the basis of which the conduct of all the subjects who work with our Company must conform and this in order to fully pursue the corporate objectives by operating in a context of fairness and good faith.

This code of ethics is an integral part of our Company's organizational and management model.

company policy

Reach a reference position within the market segment in which we operate.

Achievement of a high degree of efficiency in the organization of internal and external resources.

Attention focused on mandatory legislation.

Increase operating profit margins.

Maintain a high quality standard.



sede amministrativa: Via Francesco Petrarca 1,22070 Luisago

sede legale: Via Vittor Pisani 10,20124 Milano

C.F. e P.iva 00368070132

N°REA 1667684-reg.trib.8704

Capitale sociale i.v.€850.000

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